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澳大利亚SkillSelect机制下的移民类别 3353

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立达留学,国家教育部首批认证的出国留学机构,获全球顶级ICEF 教育参展组织机构认可留学中介(Screened Agency),全国留学机构服务联盟(COSSA)会员单位,北京留学服务行业协会(BOSSA)会员单位,中国教育国际交流协会自费出国留学中介服务分会理事单位,超过10年海外留学移民服务经验的资深专家,帮助数千名学子完成海外求学及成功就业梦想。
如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075


1- Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa

  • This points-based visa is for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, a state or territory, or a family member.
  • A visa holder can live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.
  • Certain family members can be included in the application.

2- Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa

  • This points-based visa is for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory.
  • A visa holder can live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.
  • Certain family members can be included in the application.

3- Skilled - Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa

  • This points-based visa is for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory or sponsored by an eligible relative living in a designated area in Australia.
  • The visa is valid for four years, and a visa holder must live and work in a specified regional area.
  • Certain family members can be included in the application.
  • This visa allows holders of visa subclasses 495, 496, 475 and 487 to stay in Australia for an additional year.

4- Subclass 457 visa

This visa allows a business to employ someone from outside Australia in a skilled job in Australia.

If you hold this visa, you can:

  • work in Australia for up to four years
  • bring your family with you
  • travel in and out of Australia as often as you want

5- Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)

This visa is for skilled workers from outside Australia or skilled temporary residents who live and work in Australia. It has three streams.

  • The Temporary Residence Transition stream is for subclass 457 visa holders who have worked for two years and their employer wants to offer them a permanent position.
  • The Direct Entry stream is for people who have never, or only briefly, worked in the Australian labour market.
  • The Agreement stream is for people sponsored by a employer through a labour or regional migration agreement.

6- Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187)

This visa is for skilled workers from outside Australia or skilled temporary residents who live and work in regional Australia. It has three streams.

  • The Temporary Residence Transition stream is for subclass 457 visa holders who have worked for two years and their employer wants to offer them a permanent position.
  • The Direct Entry stream is for people who have never, or only briefly, worked in the Australian labour market.
  • The Agreements stream is for people sponsored by a employer through a labour or regional migration agreement.