曼尼托巴大学工程系本科大一读什么? 3733
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- 加拿大顶尖大学工程系通常不招收高中起点的学生,而是招收已经读完大学第一年课程(资格年)的学生
- 学生第一年先被Bachelor of Science理学士录取,然后根据大一10门课程的成绩来决定是否有资格入读工程专业
- 只有个别院校的录取途径例外
Price Faculty of Engineering - Preliminary Year
预科年(工程学第一年)包含13门课程。学生必须完成至少8门课程(不包括CHEM 1122),才能有资格申请进入工程学院。完成至少8门课程的学生可以申请进入多个学院,并在一份申请中按优先顺序排列。入学标准是竞争性的,基于预科年已完成的8门课程的加权平均绩点(GPA)。
This list of courses is in effect for both students admitted directly to Engineering and students applying to Engineering from University 1 or other faculties.
Course #Course TitleCredit Hours
CHEM 1100Introductory Chemistry 13
CHEM 1122Introduction to Chemistry Techniques for Engineering 11.5
COMP 1012Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers3
ENG 1430Design in Engineering 3
ENG 1440Introduction to Statics3
ENG 1450Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering3
ENG 1460Introduction to Thermal Sciences3
MATH 1210Techniques of Classical and Linear Algebra (see Note 2)3
MATH 1510Applied Calculus 1 or equivalent (see Note 3)3
MATH 1710Applied Calculus 2 or equivalent (see Note 3)3
PHIL 1290*Critical Thinking (see Note 4)3
PHYS 1050Physics 1: Mechanics 3
Written English requirement (see Notes 5 and 6)