持工作许可的人办理加拿大入境标签应该如何填写个性化问卷? 3783
如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075
Review your answers
Please review your results and modify your answers if required.
What would you like to do in Canada?
How long are you planning to stay in Canada?
Temporarily - more than 6 months
Select the code that matches the one on your passport.
CHN (China)
What is your current country or territory of residence? If you are presently inCanada, you should select Canada.
Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older?
What is your date of birth?
February 25, 1995
Have you lived in Canada as a permanent resident or landed immigrant?
Are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States with a valid U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) number?
What is your current immigration status in Canada?
What is your marital status ?
Never Married/Single
What is your province or territory of destination? If visiting multiple provinces orterritories, select the one in which you will be spending most of your time.
Are you accompanying a family member who has status in Canada?
When does your status in Canada expire?
Date April 24, 2025
Have you had a medical exam performed by an IRCC authorized panel physician(doctor) within the last 12 months?
A medical exam is needed before you submit your application for foreignnationals who:
want to stay in Canada for more than 6 months and have lived in one or more designated countries or territories for more than six months in the past year or; intend to work in one of the following jobs:
health sciences worker
clinical laboratory worker
patient attendant in nursing or geriatric homes
medical student admitted to Canada to attend university
medical elective and physician on short term assignment
teacher of primary or secondary schools or other teachers of small children
domestics worker, someone who gives in-home care to children, the elderly andthe disabled
day nursery worker
Do you fit into one of these categories?
Do you want to submit an application for a family member ?
Are you giving someone access to your application?
In the past 10 years, have you given your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) foran application to come to Canada?
There are fees associated with this application. Will you be paying your fees or areyou fee exempt?
Yes, I will be paying my application fees.
Are you able to make a digital copy of your documents with a scanner or camera?
Will you be paying your application fees online? To pay online, you can use acredit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, China Union Pay) or a VisaDebit or Debit MasterCard.